Strategic Counsel

Strategic counsel is for Executives who have some form of obligation to engage with Indigenous leaders (elected and hereditary).

You will identify and understand the dos and donts of engagement with hereditary chiefs.

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maynard Angus will provide you with strategic counsel on authentic engagement that leaves a lasting impression with the Indigenous elected and hereditary chiefs.



"Discover what the community cares about, and you will discover you have become part of the community."

Strategic engagement is for Corporate Canada (Presidents, CEOs, Managers, and staff) who feel disengaged with the Indigenous communities. A survey conducted by Indigenous Works revealed that approximately 85% of businesses across Canada are disengaged. The disengagement is due to a lack of knowledge, not a lack of will.


Indigenous Intelligence training is a starting place for those wishing to engage with Indigenous leaders. You will identify common ground and understand the Royal Proclamation and how it created Reserves. You will take away three vital points impacting Indigenous communities and how they indirectly impact the Canadian economy.

Elected Chief & Council versus the Hereditary Chiefs – You will understand the differing roles & responsibilities they are obligated to fulfill within their community. • The complexities of Indigenous cultures are difficult to understand for the non-indigenous person; adding the layer of tribes to the mix has made it more complicated. This session will break down the learning and clarify the perceptions of how tribes govern themselves.

Speaking Engagements

• Indigenous Intelligence

• Third Space Engagement with Indigenous Leaders

• Coalition of Equals Finding – Finding Third Space